Hola! Happy Monday! This is THING 2, reporting live from the couch. Such excitement!
Today's Stuff We Love topic is about an amazing movie that I just watched for the very first time...
Breakfast at Tiffany's!
It's so great... Holly Golightly's crazy-awesome 60's outifts, the cat, and (Aww!) Holly and Paul/Fred are the cutest couple ever!
If you haven't seen this already... it's a must see. And I'm really loving Holly's bathtub/couch! I might have to get one of those myself!
Just another form of media that's both making it necessary for me to someday live in New York, and also making me wish that I grew up in the 50s/60s. Any other time period, really... 80s, 20s, I'm not picky! :)
Anyways, such a cute movie. Love love.
I feel like I'm the only one left on Earth who hasn't seen this movie. Funny though, cuz I can immediately recognize the iconic photographs.